Friday, September 25, 2009

Future Quest Lesson1

Characteristics of a Successful Student

I think the characteristics of a successful student are being respectful, responsible, honest, & things like that. To be a respectful student you need to listen when someone is talking & do what they ask, especially if it's an adult.

To be a thoughtful student you need to think of other people & their feelings. You can also do this by being patient, sitting in a peaceful way and waiting your turn.

A respectful student does many things. They are obedient to adults, raise their hand, wait their turns and don't talk when its against the rules. To do all this, you need to be able to control your self.

To be trustworthy, you must be honest, responsible for your actions and kind to other students/kids. You need to listen & work when you're told to.

All of these traits will help you get into college by helping you be successful in school. Once you get into college these traits will help you even more with your teachers. They are even more important in college, because you are responsible for yourself.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How do different things in nature depend on each other?

There are a few ways that different things in nature depend on each other and that’s what we are studying. A few of our plants have sprouted and we just discovered that our fish is going to have babies.