On my day off I deiced to go to my Nanny & Papa's house. It took us about two long hours just to get their. On the way their my Mom & I stopped to get a refreshing drink. When we got there we eat some really good hot spaghetti & we tried some warm spinach bread it looked sort of green (it was really good). Then I went to my uncle's room & plaid Lego Star Wars The Video Game I got to the second I had to stop wear R2 & 3PO where stolen then I had to save them. I had to go against some really ugly guys. Then we watched some really scary ghost stores on the T.V until 2:00.am. When we woke up we turned on the T.V to a renamed channel & the same scary ghost show was on. Then I ate some warm mouth watering great tasting biscuits & gravy. Then I started to build really cool Hero Scape sets. I tried to find someone to play with but, none wanted to play with me. So I keep making more cool sets.

Then I asked for a Reuben Sandwich witch is made out of Corned beef, Swiss cheese, Thousand Island dressing, and sauerkraut, all grilled in a skillet. Rite after I smelt it my mouth started to water & it tasted like a pro made it. After that my uncle Dave & me went to a indoor swimming/work out place wheal I was swimming a guy with a bright yellow shirt on said" Hay, hay kid with the cameo shirt on, you have to get out," so I got out & we went home. When we got home we had roasted chicken,mac & cheese, & some spinach it was great. Then we all sat down to watch some T.V me & my Mom where freezing. Then we had to go & the trip back seemed twice as long. When we got home I was so tired. When I got back I went strait to bed.